Bowl for a Goal 2016

Friends of the The Kelly Foundation recently gathered for our first official fundraising event – Bowl For A Goal! on Sept. 24 at Mahall’s 20 Lanes in Lakewood.

Bowling team registration began at 4:30 pm and the event officially kicked off at 5:00 pm. A general admission ticket included food, drinks, and open bowling. The event also featured a team bowling tournament; the winning team of four was The Bowling Stones.

Through the many generous donations from local businesses and individuals; Bowl for A Goal also featured a Chinese raffle with great prizes and a 50/50 raffle. We also introduced and had on sale our brand new KF t-shirts, which also are available on our website.

Finally, live music by singer/guitarist Jim Riley, who provided great entertainment throughout the evening. Friends came, they bowled, they won, and had a wonderful time!

Thanks to all of your support through ticket sales, donations, raffles, etc. After all expenses were cleared, we raised more than $3,000 for charity! This event’s aim was to raise funds to support children’s literacy programs and the Board of Directors has decided to donate funds to the following organizations:

The Literacy Fund
Pi Beta Phi Foundation

Cleveland Kids’ Book Bank

Improving literacy opportunities for kids is a critical need locally and nationally. National Education Association data shows almost two-thirds of low-income families have no books for children in their homes; a majority of pre-school and after-school programs in low-income areas have few, but not enough children’s’ books. We know that when adults read to kids, those kids can recognize sounds and letters faster, and are much better able to learn and succeed when they get older. We believe every young child should have access to early learning, which is why we’re supporting these two charities.

As many of you know Kelly’s birthday is September 27th and it is no coincidence that the event was held on the Saturday closest to her birthday. As stated before the purposes of this organization are to honor Kelly and to make the world a better place. The success of the event and all the fun everyone had certainly honored Kelly. The donations that will be made will help make the world a better place. Again, thank you everyone who contributed and everyone who attended and we can’t wait to see you at our next event.